qtq80 uaAHzZ

Precious Life

Despite the fact that nothing besides our efforts and conscious choices to look internally, deep-down within and re-evalute ourselves will ever solve or put to rest Gun Violence and cruel/brutal/inhumane/heinous violent acts, there must be sensible Gun Laws put in place, at the very least.

qtq80 bIhxPq

One’s Love

When a party or two tries and makes efforts to hook you up with someone and things don’t go according to plan or their way, there’s nothing to worry nor stress about because, down the road, eventually, we’ll forget all about him/her once they’d resorted to, made a decision elsewhere and otherwise with another person; …

qtq80 RHTe2X

What Defines Hair as being “Good?”

That The Almighty is the greatest thus has created us as such, what gives us the right to decide as to who and what’s supposedly better than the other of His creation/creatures? Personally, I don’t believe in categorizing only minorities as being “Colored;” as if We’d [as ONE] previously been painted or drawn over…? Because, …