
Those[we] who seek revenge through careless and obnoxious disruptions, obstructions and destructions, through violence in disguise and subliminally and at the end of of the day, cause so much more harm internally and externally, than good. Well, only cause harm unto families and children/infants/toddlers thereof [even unto their own families], couples, those growing and evolving …


The fact that you care not one bit and you have no concern, whatsoever, when it comes to reading my correspondences, you bring all of this upon yourselves. You’re supposed to be upstanding professionals and so on but you can’t discern as to whether or not it’s wrong or right to invade my privacy? Can …


Traditionally it is said and expected to follow one’s social media activity if you desire to find something out about them that you want and hope to use against them for some sort of proof or justification. And, supposedly, a person is rarely true on their social media postings as they are true to themselves. …

qtq80 ExzWT4

Love NOT hate

May we stand up, advocate and speak for each and every religion because at the end of the day and ultimately we are, ONE. Hating or disliking, stigmatizing the religion of others is adverse to any religion and in fact that hate is diminishing, self deprecating, and hypocritical.

qtq80 PL2cH4


Upon each and every single one of my additional beloved and sacred fellow human beings, those who practice other religions, please forgive me for my lack of efforts in learning and gaining more knowledge about the true essence of your religion, religious faith and belief. With an open mind and heart whilst setting aside every …