qtq80 RHTe2X

What Defines Hair as being “Good?”

That The Almighty is the greatest thus has created us as such, what gives us the right to decide as to who and what’s supposedly better than the other of His creation/creatures? Personally, I don’t believe in categorizing only minorities as being “Colored;” as if We’d [as ONE] previously been painted or drawn over…? Because, …

qtq80 KTPdrz

Mother Earth

As I’ve learned and remain in the process of learning and grasping the geography on and the facts about our world and globe, as ONE, the Earth being our planet of primary habitat which greatly can be precisely visualized and picked out on Google’s Google Earth Map technology and mechanism, I realize how crucial and …

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Our Globe

Each and every nationality/ethnicity/race/country/state/region/nation are uniquely gifted per their contributions and wholeness to our globe; then narrowed down to each every one of us individually yet collectively in hopes of and in order to function properly and accurately as ONE, for each other as a whole, around the world.

qtq80 asorRh

More Reefer Madness

https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1997/04/more-reefer-madness/376827/ As I read through our assigned article “The Atlantic: More Reefer Madness” I could not help but to continue thinking about the erroneous laws/regulations/stipulations surrounding the uses and exploitations of controlled illegal, and legal, substances. Having said that, much here will overlap from previous discussions and assignments on the War on Drugs. However there …

Stand up and speak for yourself

I do, always will, and will continue to speak and stand up for all religions and religious beliefs/philosophies/ideologies. Those without a backbone will never be able to rectify themselves until they exude the courage on a grandeur and gargantuan scale to admit, wholeheartedly, to wrongdoing. No matter which side of the political spectrum one stands. …

qtq80 6sjVHH

OUR next Generation

To raise our kids better, giving them positively a strong and concrete foundation for their ultimate future and growth that they never find or catch themselves resorting to acts of violence nor vengeance. At such young ages they’re ruining their lives.