qtq80 uaAHzZ

Precious Life

Despite the fact that nothing besides our efforts and conscious choices to look internally, deep-down within and re-evalute ourselves will ever solve or put to rest Gun Violence and cruel/brutal/inhumane/heinous violent acts, there must be sensible Gun Laws put in place, at the very least.

qtq80 y79s7l

“Saving One’s Life is as if You’ve Saved the Lives of Countless Others”

What do we get, where have we gotten and where do we expect to arrive as a whole, in total, out of the decades-long wars and conflicts between Israel and Palestine, Iran and Saudi Arabia, China and Russia, the International Community and North Korea and so forth? Are these what we really want to continue …

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The “2nd Amendment” and logical [un]common sense are NOT mutually exclusive. Meaning, The 2nd Amendment does not negate the fact that changes need to be made when it comes to Gun Safety Laws in accordance with the evolution of the citizenry of our Democratic Republic.

qtq80 9HoTbp

The Evolution of The Book on “OURevolution of LOVE”

What do you think the seasons of our revolution of Love will be, or can be, or possibly will and should, be? How do we think THE Revolution of LOVE will succeed in its ending by its casting, once its casted? What does a “revolution of love” mean to you? What do you think the …

qtq80 KTPdrz

Mother Earth

As I’ve learned and remain in the process of learning and grasping the geography on and the facts about our world and globe, as ONE, the Earth being our planet of primary habitat which greatly can be precisely visualized and picked out on Google’s Google Earth Map technology and mechanism, I realize how crucial and …

qtq80 asorRh

More Reefer Madness

https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1997/04/more-reefer-madness/376827/ As I read through our assigned article “The Atlantic: More Reefer Madness” I could not help but to continue thinking about the erroneous laws/regulations/stipulations surrounding the uses and exploitations of controlled illegal, and legal, substances. Having said that, much here will overlap from previous discussions and assignments on the War on Drugs. However there …

qtq80 assfEJ


“Not everyone who started and began down this path of life with you are meant to end and conclude it with, you.” It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known, or haven’t know them. Nor does it matter who they are. Most likely if you think one way or the other, you’re not. Whatever happens, happens.