20180808 210135


RADICALISM/EXTREMISM EXISTS IN AND WITHIN EVERY RELIGION: Nonetheless for one to hate and be against the religion of another, they’re in fact exuding hate upon their own religion because the true core of every religion and religious faith, is the same and equal. [Much comes from garnering the courage and intestinal fortitude to divert from …

qtq80 6sjVHH

OUR next Generation

To raise our kids better, giving them positively a strong and concrete foundation for their ultimate future and growth that they never find or catch themselves resorting to acts of violence nor vengeance. At such young ages they’re ruining their lives.

qtq80 avTHVQ


I was raised knowing concretely that the taking of one’s life is as if you’re taking the lives of a nation. From, one, leads to and trails, generations times over. But you’ve cut that off by acting upon hatred in the most gruesome, nasty, ignorant and disgusting manner. And that goes for every religion and …

qtq80 ExzWT4

Love NOT hate

May we stand up, advocate and speak for each and every religion because at the end of the day and ultimately we are, ONE. Hating or disliking, stigmatizing the religion of others is adverse to any religion and in fact that hate is diminishing, self deprecating, and hypocritical.

You always hurt the One you love

https://www.lrb.co.uk/…/mary…/the-public-voice-of-women Why are there now scores of single mothers, mothers who end up having to fight with their Sperm Donors to, at the very least, pay child support; underage mothers, child marriages, men who don’t take care of their responsibilities thus who don’t hold themselves accountable as true fathers, women who after-all find themselves seeking …

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Love loves Love

LOVE is coming, searching, and calling for you whether you want it to, or, not. It wants you to allow it to blossom from within internally, glistening externally. For you to eliminate what brings upon your own dissatisfaction, animosity, anger and hatred, dislikeness and that which you despise. Because love is the only treatment, remedy, …